the other minds

Life has been hectic for the past weeks and I haven't updated my other blog regularly. For this article, I would like to share with you some tips on how to make your day as a student based on my experience as a student and peer tutor.

Thanks to my friends for asking me this question. This question is quite general. I'll share with you some of the tips, which are applicable to most students, regardless in which course that you are belong to.

1. Set your mind
Always set the direction on how your life is going to be on that particular day. The first thing that comes across in your mind either positive or negative, it would lead you to be like one. Plan your day before you sleep and imagine that your life is going to be fine and set your mind that you're going to live life happily. Believe me, after you wake up from sleep, you'll feel great!

2. Smile
Smile is the most powerful yet simple to be done. You only have to use 18 muscles on your face to smile. Indeed, smile is the simplest way to make you and other people feel good. As you wake up from sleep, go directly to your mirror and smile. You'll see your lovely face is smiling back to you and feel the energy flows in your body.

Are you hard to sleep?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

If your answer is yes, you might be suffered from imsomnia. Most people clamoring that imsomnia is the inability to sleep. However, in reality imsomnia is the inability to get to sleep, stay asleep or get a good quality of sleep (Kryger, Lavie, & Rosen, 1999). There are many reasons that cause imsomnia, both psychological and physiological. Some of the psychological causes are worrying, trying too hard to sleep, or having anxiety. Some of the physiological causes are too much caffeine, indigestion or aches and pain.

Here, I provide several steps that people can take to assist them sleep. Obvious ones are taking no caffeinated drinks or foods that cause indigestion before bedtime, taking medication for pain and dealing with anxieties in the daytime rather than facing them at night. That last bit of advice is easy to say but not always easy to do. Here are some other helpful tips (Kupfer & Reynolds, 1997):

Hi everyone. This is my first attempt writing on this blog. It's a medium for me to write anything that comes across in my mind. My interests are mainly about life, politics, psychology, history, critical thinking, foods and so on. I found that, blogging is the best way for me to express my thoughts into words. Some might be useful or somehow it does contains rants and ramblings.

My school days had gone. Currently, I am studying at IIUM in Bachelor of Human Sciences (Psychology). Apparently, I've learned that anything happened in our life, there must be something lies behind it. So, I choose to manipulate my mind and see things by using critical eyes and perceive things positively.